teknopaul <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #16 from teknopaul <> ---
Anyone finding this , the following script converts a .k3b saved MP3 CD image
file to an Inkscape compatible .svg file for printing.  A bit of SVG hacking is
required to tune the output.
You might want to fiddle the image size, I print smaller than CD size for
insert slips in a CD case.
Also might provide some hints for how to easily implement this feature in K3B.

Save as  in a ~/bin directory.

#!/bin/bash -e
# Create an Inkscape SVG file from a K3B saved disk.
# K3B saved disk format is a zipped XML file with a list of the files 
# including, thankfully, the expanded title an author from a MP3 files.
# Bit hacky, potentially breaks if the K3B XML writing code changes.


if [ "$SRC" == "" ] ; then
    echo "Usage: $0 [k3b filename]"
    exit 1

# cd to the file's directory first
cd $(dirname "$SRC")

# Make a temp dir extract the k3b file.
mkdir .tmp
cp "$SRC" ".tmp/$SRC.out"
cd .tmp
unzip "$SRC.out" >/dev/null

# Extract the file title and artist from the XML.
cat maindata.xml | egrep  'title|artist' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' | sed
's/<\/artist>/<\/flowPara>\n/g' > maindata.txt
sed -i 's/<title>/<flowPara>/g' maindata.txt
sed -i 's/<\/title>/ - /g' maindata.txt
sed -i 's/<artist>//g' maindata.txt

# Show the user what we found
cat maindata.txt

# Create ain inkscape compatible CD cover file.
echo '
<svg xmlns="";
        <rect style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.12253583"
              width="335.02722" height="370.02722" x="48.736393" y="34.361393"
                <rect width="335.02722" height="370.02722" x="54.375" y="35" />
' > "../$SRC.svg"

cat maindata.txt              >> "../$SRC.svg"

echo '
' >> "../$SRC.svg"

# Open inkscape

inkscape "../$SRC.svg" &

# Clean up the extracted files
cd ..
rm .tmp/*
rmdir .tmp

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