--- Comment #106 from Oliver Kellogg <> ---
Git commit 5803dcd2a91e2e66c372376cbc7586a080a004d7 by Oliver Kellogg.
Committed on 17/04/2022 at 12:58.
Pushed by okellogg into branch 'master'.

umbrello/umldoc.cpp : Add basic support for loading StarUML v5 XMI v2.1

- In function loadUMLObjectsFromXMI loop of node over element children
  move the code
    if (tagEq(type, QLatin1String("packagedElement")) ||
               tagEq(type, QLatin1String("ownedElement"))) {
        type = tempElement.attribute(QLatin1String("xmi:type"));
  up by a few lines to precede the test for tagEq(type, "Model").
  Reason: StarUML generates a model element
    <packagedElement [...] xmi:type="uml:Model">
  nested inside the outer envelope
    <uml:Model [...] xmi:type="uml:Model" name="RootModel">

M  +7    -6    umbrello/umldoc.cpp

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