Nate Graham <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |ma/kwin/commit/5d9e0be9593f |ma/kwin/commit/26a4f7594423
                   |42e58c13ed436ca4f9867aa4914 |2166a1de7c977549d52a403fb88
                   |8                           |5

--- Comment #26 from Nate Graham <> ---
Git commit 26a4f75944232166a1de7c977549d52a403fb885 by Nate Graham, on behalf
of Eric Edlund.
Committed on 15/04/2022 at 00:09.
Pushed by ngraham into branch 'master'.

Implement desktopSwitching() interface for realtime animations

Added this interface to the VirtualDesktopManager. Realtime touchpad gestures
update the interface to allow for mac os style desktop switching.
Also makes gestured switching use natural direction.

M  +7    -0    autotests/test_virtual_desktops.cpp
M  +15   -6    src/effects.cpp
M  +11   -0    src/libkwineffects/kwineffects.h
M  +79   -8    src/virtualdesktops.cpp
M  +23   -0    src/virtualdesktops.h
M  +13   -0    src/workspace.cpp
M  +4    -0    src/workspace.h

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