--- Comment #6 from rezad <> ---
firefox 720p viewpoint in also present in X too so that is not the difference.
but one thing that is in you point's favor is that I remember testing firefox
in wayland zoomed mode and its own UI was blurry and I asked and someone
pointed out xwaynad and I change that (dont remember what) and firefox used
wayland and it was no longer blurry.

I am trying to move to wayland (maybe even remove X). it has many bug and
papercuts (password prompts are not shown in middle of screen) but this is the
main one that f...ks with me. if it is only xwayland apps and the kde apps
(that I think run as native wayland right?) are ok , and also if I can find way
to make movies and picture be shown in 1080p, I can bear the rest because
wayland seems to be smoother for me. I get horizontal line in fast videos in
firefox run in X but not in wayland.

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