--- Comment #1 from ---
Created attachment 147425
valgrind log, it's compressed in tar.gz

I am running the debugging steps here
There could be a memory leak as if I start plasma and just open (with Ctrl+Esc)
the process manager I see that plasmashell starts at 83K and after five minutes
not doing anything it doubles and it keeps increasing.
The same thing happens to kwin_wayland.
While running it with valgrind it starts at about 800k and after 10/15 minutes
it is 1110k.
The memory consumption increase is not monotonic though, it sometimes lowers
for a moment but the general trend is to increase.

I stopped valgrind after sometimes, the panel "appeared" after the following
messages on konsole:
Plasma Shell startup completed
qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()
qml: PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea is deprecated. Use PlasmaComponents3.ScrollView
trying to show an empty dialog
trying to show an empty dialog
QFont::setPointSizeF: Point size <= 0 (0.000000), must be greater than 0

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