Thomas Baumgart <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|OFX import fails: Unable to |OFX import fails is broken
                   |find the DTD named          |on MS-Windows
                   |opensp.dcl                  |
             Status|NEEDSINFO                   |REPORTED
         Resolution|WAITINGFORINFO              |---

--- Comment #16 from Thomas Baumgart <> ---
The originally reported location problem has been fixed in master (and will be
fixed in 5.1 soon) so far with the recent commits by overriding the default
path with the one used for KMyMoney.

Unfortunately, this leads to the next problem which is that the build of libOFX
contained in the KDE binary factory build produces weird results. This has to
be analyzed and fixed. Therefore, I will update the topic of this bug to a more
generic version which also covers this problem.

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