Geert Janssens <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|RESOLVED                    |UNCONFIRMED
         Resolution|UPSTREAM                    |---

--- Comment #4 from Geert Janssens <> ---
Hmm, upstream claims it's an okular bug, because they can't reproduce in evince
which also uses poppler... (see upstream bug in previous comment).

Can I ask you guys to talk to each other directly to clear this out ? I have no
knowledge at all of the internals of either poppler or okular, so I can't add
much more than "it doesn't work here" and run tests if you ask me to. Thanks!

I have reopened this bug to indicate there is still an issue that's not cleared
out and upstream doesn't agree it's their issue. If you don't agree, by all
means change the state again, but please communicate with upstream to explain
why you believe the bug is in poppler. Thank you.

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