nttkde <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #1 from nttkde <> ---
Can confirm on KDE Neon User Edition.

I noticed files in ~/.local/share/cryfs/ don't get deleted at all when a vault
is deleted, which might be the thing that blocks creation of new ones with same
When creating a vault with same name as an earlier deleted one, it created a
new folder in cryfs/filesystems/ but didn't add it to the cryfs/basedirs file;
perhaps because it existed there already.

Also, it looks like the entries in .config/plasmavaultrc are not removed
correctly either.
I made an experiment:
If I create vaults 'test1', 'test2', 'test3' and then delete 'test2', its
[/home/me/.local/share/plasma-vault/test2.enc] nor [EncryptedDevices] entries
are NOT removed from plasmavaultrc.
If I then start to delete 'test1', at the point when its asking confirmation
("are you sure you want to delete this vault?") 'test2's entries get deleted.
But confirming 'test1' deletion doesn't yet delete its own entries.
And if I then delete 'test3', at the confirmation dialog it has deleted the
previous 'test1' entries, but 'test3' entries will stay.
Logging out doesn't make it go away either, and results in broken vault icon on
the widget next login.
So it's some kind of one-off delayed removal from plasmavaultrc.

In any case the files in .local/share/cryfs were not deleted.
Files in .local/share/plasma-vault/ are deleted correctly.

Some of the state might be still incorrectly cached after file deletion,
because when I manually deleted all the files, but didn't logout, it created an
incomplete plasmavaultrc entry (the properties under
[/home/me/.local/share/plasma-vault/test.enc] were missing). It also wasn't
possible to delete the vault before logout, as it then complained about
overlapping paths with some other vault.

So, to recap; to completely delete a vault I had to:
-from ~/.config/plasmavaultrc; remove its
[/home/me/.local/share/plasma-vault/vaultname.enc] entry and the properties
under it, and its entry under [EncryptedDevices]
-remove its entry from ~/.local/share/cryfs/basedirs, and the corresponding
folder from ~/.local/share/cryfs/filesystems
-logout/restart to clear the cached state

Would be great if this got fixed.

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