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--- Comment #12 from ---
I found a new bug maybe. But i looks like related to this bug and i wanna ad a
comment first here.

I tested it on the nigthly krita-nightly_96794d1.dmg on my macOS Big Sur.

All patterns with the extension .pat aren’t showed correctly, they are just
blank in the Library. But you have to undelete it first in the Resource
Manager. And the Resource Manager doesn’t show it for local folders in
addition, but in the local folders are all .pat patterns. Also in the Krita 4
and 3 default ressources.

In summary:
All .pat are blank (White)
All .pat arent showed in the local folder in resource manager, also not as
deleted, but in the beta1, they are shown normaly, also in the patter library.
All .pat are marked as deleted in the Krita 4 default resources (same as beta1)
All .pat aren't marked as deleted in Krita 3 default resources, but they are
marked as deleted in the beta1.

I hope this helps, if it is a new bug, then reply and i create a new bug

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