--- Comment #2 from David Faure <> ---
Did you also report a Nautilus bug saying that they should handle webdav://,
KIO syntax? :-)

In any case Elvis is right, if we are to support dav:/ then it's not just
dolphin that should support it, e.g. kioclient should support it too, this has
to happen one layer below, in kio. Not sure how though.

1) Supporting dav and webdav equally (without redirect) is feasible, but with
some mess in kio_http's code
 (e.g. there are quite some if (m_protocol == "webdav" || m_protocol ==
"webdavs") around, although this could certainly be factorized)

2) The problem is we don't really have the concept of "aliases" for protocols,
apart from the KProtocolManager::slaveProtocol mechanism, not sure it still
works (FTP handled by HTTP proxies is a rather old concept afaik, so this has
probably been untested for a while).

3) One could write a kio_dav ioslave that redirects stat(), listDir(), get()
and put() to webdav (there's probably more?).
Ah, either with actual redirection, or using ForwardingSlaveBase (i.e. internal

In any case I don't have enough motivation (nor even a webdav account) to do
this myself, but I'll be happy to review a patch;-)

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