--- Comment #2 from Ralek Kolemios <> ---
Created attachment 139652
Proposed fix

Text taken from

My concept for how to fix this. Of course I don't understand the inner working
of QT or Krita, I'm just an artist, so this is going off of theoretical data
and my desire to help.

In the background, asynchronously, a pointer pseudoposition function is
constantly receiving inputs from the actual pointer. It keeps the last 2 (or
more if you’re a math major) of these positions and timings in-memory for later

At any point in time that an action requires an ‘up to date’ and ‘consistent’
but not necessarily extremely accurate pointer position, such as for panning,
zooming, rotating, etc, instead of grabbing the current pointer position, it
calls the pointerPseudoposition function.

This function grabs the current microtime, and extrapolates a ‘current’ pointer
position given the previous 2 mouse positions and microtime. I’d imagine the
math would look something like:

x1 = last known x position
x2 = last x position before x1
y1 = last known y position
y2 = last y position before y1
time1 = time int in microseconds of last known pointer input
time2 = time int in microseconds of previously known pointer input before time1
currentTime = the microseconds of when the function is called

newX = x1 + ( (currentTime - time1) / (time1 - time2) * (x1 - x2))
newY = y1 + ( (currentTime - time1) / (time1 - time2) * (y1 - y2))

This will output an X and Y position of the ‘mouse’ which should slot into
whatever function the current pan/rotate/zoom function uses when it calls for
the mouse position.

This will cause slightly weird behavior if the pointer changes directions
instantaneously, but for natural movements such as tablet pens, this could be a
lifesaver. Perhaps it could be a toggle-able feature called ‘polling rate

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