Kurt Hindenburg <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |ities/konsole/commit/49692c |ities/konsole/commit/7b769f
                   |0f14230781b1fa48332ff9e334c |f141e9d0f081e81fdf31f2bf44a
                   |1b1f997                     |5849af4

--- Comment #3 from Kurt Hindenburg <> ---
Git commit 7b769ff141e9d0f081e81fdf31f2bf44a5849af4 by Kurt Hindenburg, on
behalf of Carlos Alves.
Committed on 01/05/2021 at 17:42.
Pushed by hindenburg into branch 'release/21.04'.

Fix crash showing Settings Dialog

When you open settings and close it, than open a new window, than
close the old window, the MainWindow with the settings will
delete the configDialog. If you try to open settings againg it crashes.

Fix is each MainWindow now has its own configDialog.
(cherry picked from commit 49692c0f14230781b1fa48332ff9e334c1b1f997)

M  +11   -6    src/MainWindow.cpp
M  +2    -0    src/settings/ConfigurationDialog.cpp

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