--- Comment #34 from Bernie Innocenti <> ---
gtk 3.24.29 was released today and is already packaged in Arch Linux, so I
tested there.

Primary selection now works fine between a Qt app (konsole) and most GTK3 apps
(gnome-disks, seahorse, tilix).

However, it still fails between Qt apps and GTK3 apps which are still using X11
(Chrome, Firefox, Thunderbird, Signal Desktop).

I checked, and these binaries are using the new

  % cat /proc/$(pidof -s chrome)/maps | grep -m1 gtk 
  7fab70d09000-7fab70d8c000 r--p 00000000 103:03 17587682                 
  % cat /proc/$(pidof -s thunderbird-bin)/maps | grep -m1 gtk 
  7f87486d7000-7f874875a000 r--p 00000000 103:03 17587682                 

Not sure if this is a kwin bug, or the gtk bug is not fully fixed yet.

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