Jarosław Staniek <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1
           Severity|normal                      |wishlist
            Version|unspecified                 |3.0 Beta
          Component|Usability                   |Tables
                 CC|                            |
            Summary|Can't select and copy       |Add multi-cell selection
                   |several records or several  |like in spreadsheets
                   |cells from table? Is there  |
                   |any way to do it using      |
                   |shift , control or any      |
                   |other keys? Is there any    |
                   |ability to use filters in   |
                   |columns as in ms access?    |
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |CONFIRMED

--- Comment #1 from Jarosław Staniek <> ---
Thanks for the report, Petr.

There is no support for multi-selection in Tabular View indeed. Changing the
summary to this topic as the feature would enable copying as you explained.

It would be a spreadsheet-like multi-cell selection, so this would work:
- selecting with  Control 
- selecting with Shift
- selecting entire column(s)
- selecting entire record(s)
- selecting entire data
- inverting the current selection
- editing/searching/clipboard actions would work for the current selection
- (I bet more is possible, a study based on spreadsheets and MSA/Filemaker is

Regarding filters, a wish is filed at, so removing this part from this

Please let me know if we can add more wishes or correct something.

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