--- Comment #20 from herman <> ---
Very sorry, Dmitry, for spelling your name wrong in the last mail!!!

I just downloaded the

4.4.2 Beta2 Version for 32bit

The 64bit Windows-download page was not found!

Going to install now and test

See you later

Am 14.01.2021 um 11:10 schrieb Atelier Waldeck:
> Hi Dmetry,
> thank you very much for your informations. Im am going to try today or 
> tomorrow and will give you a reply.
> For now here my GPU-data:
> Am 13.01.2021 um 11:40 schrieb Dmitry Kazakov:
>> Dmitry Kazakov<>  changed:
>>             What    |Removed                     |Added
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>           Resolution|---                         |WAITINGFORINFO
>>               Status|ASSIGNED                    |NEEDSINFO
>> --- Comment #17 from Dmitry Kazakov<>  ---
>> Hi, Herman!
>> The bug seems to have split into two threads:
>> 1) The Watercolor fading. As far as I can tell, that is the expected 
>> behavior.
>> The more pressure you add to the stroke, the more subtle it becomes. That is
>> something what happens with realworld watercolor paints.
>> 2) Squares appearing on the canvas. I cannot reproduce them. In neither of 
>> the
>> three graphical engines: DirectX, openGL, Software. All three work perfectly
>> fine here. It might be a GPU driver issue in the end...
>> Can you check the latest 4.4.2 Beta2 build and see if the problem still
>> persists? If yes, please tell what GPU you have. You can get this information
>> at Help->System Information for Bugreports dialog.

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