Hugo Pereira Da Costa <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
          Component|QtQuickControls             |QStyle
                 CC|                            |hugo.pereira.da.costa@gmail
                   |                            |.com
           Assignee|    |hugo.pereira.da.costa@gmail
                   |                            |.com

--- Comment #1 from Hugo Pereira Da Costa <> ---
If indeed you are using kde4 version of the said applications, they are not
affected by the update to plasma5.7
if you want them to use breeze, you must have the breeze style *for kde4*
installed, which I dont think your "update to plasma 5.7" provides.
I can give you instructions to compile it by hand if you want.
(but you would need some kde4 development packages of course)

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