--- Comment #66 from Piotr Mierzwinski <> --- @Wolfgang Bauer Thanks for explanation. On begin I can say that happened what I supposed. So today after first login to Plasma, konsole has not been restored, at all. Maybe this is some bug in konsole. Yesterday, before shutting down the system I also run okular, and kate. Today all of them have been restored. > restoring them should work (or not) the same for both > But in the end it's the client's (i.e. the application's) job to save its > state correctly I know that in the moment of closing application its destructor are calling, actually QApplication/KApplication. So what is the difference in type of shutting (by server). When I log off (calling log off in Plasma) or shut down system (calling "turn of" in Plasma) then shutting should work the same. in This is my suspicion. The only one job what can do application in shutting down moment is saving it's state into some configuration file. Every other actions are managed by Qt/KF/ksmsever. As I suppose. And this is doing correct for login off and restart. For me it should just work for both (konsole and kwrite) the same. Sorry I repeat my self. Yesterday I reloged couple of times, also I restarted system. And konsole was restored every time. When yesterday I shut down the system and run it today, konsole has not been restored. I don't understand this. I don't know how exactly Plasma closing/shutting down its session, I suppose is using some qdbus command (example of shutting down: "qdbus org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer logout 0 2 2"). Is this implemented by distribution or in K menu? And on end. You are comparing two Qt versions. Why openSuse doesn't use the newest Qt version, only its developers backported some fixes? Maybe in last Qt still persists some bug related with closing applications. @Chris I don't know what situation you meant, saying "konsole never ever get restored for me."? If this is just rerun of konsole thats OK. For me either konsole wasn't restored. If this is relogin/restart/shut down and run then in my opinion konsole should be restored every times when Plasma session is starting and proper option is turned on in Plasma setting (for example: "Restore previous session" in System settings). Maybe this is distro related. I don know. :/. I'll try to report it. -- You are receiving this mail because: You are watching all bug changes.