David Hurka <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
   Version Fixed In|                            |20.12
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |hics/okular/commit/c6a32751
                   |                            |51ffa5c9045c8186b64e45e4b2c
                   |                            |3ccbf
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED

--- Comment #15 from David Hurka <> ---
Git commit c6a3275151ffa5c9045c8186b64e45e4b2c3ccbf by David Hurka.
Committed on 20/11/2020 at 18:01.
Pushed by davidhurka into branch 'release/20.12'.

Fix QScroller crash on Qt < 5.14 and certain screen arrangements

QScrollerPrivate::setDpiFromWidget() before Qt 5.14 crashes
when the target widget does not intersect a physical screen,
because QDesktopWidget returns screen index `-1` in this case,
which leads to an out-of-range read from QApplication::screens(),
which leads to a segfault when reading from an invalid QScreen* pointer.

This adds a workaround that checks for the `-1` situation,
and then tries to resize PageView temporarily to intersect at least some
FIXED-IN: 20.12

M  +15   -0    part/pageview.cpp

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