Bernhard Scheirle <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #5 from Bernhard Scheirle <> ---
I also used the `pimsettingexporter` to import my pim data and now have 200+
unnamed identities.
At the beginning (after the import) I only had one unnamed identity, but with
every restart of `akonadi` there are more and more.

Export from: Kubuntu 14.04 + backports 
Import to: Neon User Edition (but `kontact` comes from ubuntu packages:

In they recommend to clean
up  `~/.kde4/share/config/emailidentities` manually.
This folder does not exist here, but `~/.local/share/emailidentities/` does (I
assume this is the new path for a KF5 `kontact`).
This folder had only a few (4-5) empty folders inside.
Cleaning it up (remove the content) didn't change anything.

Does anyone has a workaround to delete these identities?

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