Nate Graham <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |eworks/kconfig/commit/a1ffd
                   |                            |1418f355ae927c9b7859cffcb6c
                   |                            |aa767306
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED

--- Comment #9 from Nate Graham <> ---
Git commit a1ffd1418f355ae927c9b7859cffcb6caa767306 by Nate Graham.
Committed on 03/09/2020 at 18:28.
Pushed by ngraham into branch 'master'.

Make KWindowConfig::allConnectedScreens() static and internal

It doesn't need to be public since it's just an internal convenience
function. So let's make it static.

M  +12   -11   src/gui/kwindowconfig.cpp
M  +0    -7    src/gui/kwindowconfig.h

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