--- Comment #2 from ---
ISSUE: Face thumbnail generated at different X/Y co'ords than where shown on
Image Preview Face-Tag. No effective method to mass regenerate specifically
Face-Tag Thumbnails exacerbates this issue. 

(maintenance->regenerate thumbnails did not correct these improperly generated

The only method to resolve these improperly thumb-nailed face tags has been to
edit each tag individually and "wiggle" the tag-box, after which it will
regenerate the thumbnail properly, but that's (2-8 seconds per tag X tags per
photo x 100K badly tagged pics) tens/hundreds hours of unnecessary work. 

There doesn't appear to be a way to rebuild face thumbnail images en masse, as
choosing "rebuild thumbnails" in the maintenance menu doesn't regenerate/fix
the face-thumbnails suffering this issue as of the most current 7.0.0 release.

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