--- Comment #4 from Alex6 <> ---
Le lundi 3 août 2020 21:01:17 CEST, vous avez écrit :
> --- Comment #3 from Johannes Zarl-Zierl <> ---
> Hallo Alex,
> (Keeping the reply in English for the benefit of potential readers)
> I'm glad you found the "schemes->more actions->save shortcuts to scheme"
> workaround. It should not be necessary, though.
> Does changing the shortcut work without explicit saving in other KDE
> applications?
> Cheers,
>   Johannes
Changing a shortcut and click "ok" works only if no scheme exists, in kpa as in
other KDE apps.
In KDE shortcut settings dialog, there is no indication that a scheme is used
nor default scheme, that is a bit confusing...
Save a new shortcut with Manage Schemes->More Actions->Save Shortcuts to Scheme
is for me a bit confusing and complicated too!
Shortcuts modifying is normally not a daily task!!!
But this is a KDE, not Kpa problem, excuse me for this false bug.

... But why "hard-coded" shortcuts in Kpa, totally configurable sc would be

Thanks for all

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