Jonathan Marten <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|WONTFIX                     |---
            Version|unspecified                 |2.0.1
             Status|RESOLVED                    |REOPENED

--- Comment #2 from Jonathan Marten <> ---
I haven't been able to compile Kaffeine with DVB support (since I don't have
any of that hardware), but I suspect that this is not fixed. 
DvbLiveViewInternal::DvbLiveViewInternal() in dvb/dvbliveview.cpp now does:

     fileName = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DataLocation)
+ QLatin1String("/dvbpipe.m2t");

and creates the FIFO there, which is the user's config directory under $HOME. 
It should use QStandardPaths::RuntimeLocation or QStandardPaths::TempLocation

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