Bug ID: 419320
           Summary: run failed
           Product: kdenlive
           Version: 19.12.3
          Platform: Ubuntu Packages
                OS: Linux
            Status: REPORTED
          Severity: crash
          Priority: NOR
         Component: Installation
  Target Milestone: ---


terminal $ kdenlive

libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified
are supported
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
Invalid Context= "stock" line for icon theme: 
QCommandLineParser: already having an option named "v"
QCommandLineParser: already having an option named "h"
QCommandLineParser: already having an option named "help-all"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "avcolour_space"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "avcolor_space"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "avdeinterlace"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "swscale"
"avfilter.abench" is blacklisted
"avfilter.acompressor" is blacklisted
"avfilter.adelay" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aecho" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aemphasis" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aeval" is blacklisted
"avfilter.afade" is blacklisted
"avfilter.afftfilt" is blacklisted
"avfilter.agate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.ametadata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.arealtime" is blacklisted
"avfilter.ashowinfo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.channelmap" is blacklisted
"avfilter.chorus" is blacklisted
"avfilter.earwax" is blacklisted
"avfilter.volume" is blacklisted
"avfilter.volumedetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.ass" is blacklisted
"avfilter.atadenoise" is blacklisted
"avfilter.avgblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bbox" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bench" is blacklisted
"avfilter.blackdetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.blackframe" is blacklisted
"avfilter.boxblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bwdif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.chromakey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colorkey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colormatrix" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colorspace" is blacklisted
"avfilter.convolution" is blacklisted
"avfilter.crop" is blacklisted
"avfilter.cropdetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.curves" is blacklisted
"avfilter.datascope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.dctdnoiz" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deband" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deflate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deinterlace_vaapi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deshake" is blacklisted
"avfilter.despill" is blacklisted
"avfilter.doubleweave" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawbox" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawgraph" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawgrid" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawtext" is blacklisted
"avfilter.elbg" is blacklisted
"avfilter.eq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fade" is blacklisted
"avfilter.field" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fieldhint" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fieldorder" is blacklisted
"avfilter.find_rect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.floodfill" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fspp" is blacklisted
"avfilter.gblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.geq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hflip" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hqdn3d" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hqx" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hue" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hwdownload" is blacklisted
"avfilter.idet" is blacklisted
"" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lenscorrection" is blacklisted
"avfilter.loop" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lumakey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lut" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lutrgb" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lutyuv" is blacklisted
"avfilter.mcdeint" is blacklisted
"avfilter.metadata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.negate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.nlmeans" is blacklisted
"avfilter.nnedi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.owdenoise" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pad" is blacklisted
"avfilter.perspective" is blacklisted
"avfilter.phase" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pixscope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pp" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pp7" is blacklisted
"avfilter.prewitt" is blacklisted
"avfilter.realtime" is blacklisted
"avfilter.removegrain" is blacklisted
"avfilter.removelogo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.roberts" is blacklisted
"avfilter.rotate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.scale_vaapi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.showinfo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.shuffleframes" is blacklisted
"avfilter.sidedata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.signalstats" is blacklisted
"avfilter.sobel" is blacklisted
"avfilter.stereo3d" is blacklisted
"avfilter.super2xsai" is blacklisted
"avfilter.swapuv" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tblend" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tlut2" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tonemap" is blacklisted
"avfilter.transpose" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vectorscope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vflip" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vignette" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vmafmotion" is blacklisted
"avfilter.w3fdif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.xbr" is blacklisted
"avfilter.yadif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.zmq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.zoompan" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "swresample"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "audiochannels"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "audioconvert"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "data_feed"
"data_show" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "imageconvert"
"mask_apply" is blacklisted
"mask_start" is blacklisted
"mono" is blacklisted
"region" is blacklisted
"resize" is blacklisted
"transition" is blacklisted
"watermark" is blacklisted
"frei0r.3dflippo" is blacklisted
"frei0r.bluescreen0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.bw0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.gamma" is blacklisted
"frei0r.invert0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.rgbsplit0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.transparency" is blacklisted
"frei0r.vertigo" is blacklisted
"gtkrescale" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "jack"
"jackrack" is blacklisted
"motion_est" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "crop_detect"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "glsl.manager"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.convert"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.crop"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.resample"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.resize"
"rgblut" is blacklisted
"spot_remover" is blacklisted
"text" is blacklisted
"timer" is blacklisted
"burningtv" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "telecide"
"qtext" is blacklisted
"resample" is blacklisted
"videostab" is blacklisted
"videostab2" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse  "deinterlace"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "avfilter.acompressor"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "avfilter.aecho"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "avfilter.agate"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.alpha0ps" found. Only
last one will be considered. Duplicate found in
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.balanc0r" found. Only
last one will be considered. Duplicate found in
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.curves" found. Only last
one will be considered. Duplicate found in
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.levels" found. Only last
one will be considered. Duplicate found in
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.lightgraffiti" found.
Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.select0r" found. Only
last one will be considered. Duplicate found in
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.sopsat" found. Only last
one will be considered. Duplicate found in
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.tehRoxx0r"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.vertigo"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.vertigo"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "movit.unsharp_mask"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "qtblend" found. Only last one
will be considered. Duplicate found in
++++++ Unknown asset :  "region"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "timewarp"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "opencv.tracker"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "vidstab"
"frei0r.alphainjection" is blacklisted
"frei0r.blend" is blacklisted
"frei0r.composition" is blacklisted
"frei0r.xfade0r" is blacklisted
QGLXContext: Failed to create dummy context

(kdenlive:10902): GStreamer-WARNING **: 01:32:46.157: External plugin loader
failed. This most likely means that the plugin loader helper binary was not
found or could not be run. You might need to set the GST_PLUGIN_SCANNER
environment variable if your setup is unusual. This should normally not be
required though.
ALSA lib conf.c:3916:(snd_config_update_r) Cannot access file
  - a64
  - ac3
  - adts
  - adx
  - aiff
  - amr
  - apng
  - asf
  - ass
  - ast
  - asf_stream
  - au
  - avi
  - avm2
  - bit
  - caf
  - cavsvideo
  - crc
  - dash
  - data
  - daud
  - dirac
  - dnxhd
  - dts
  - dv
  - eac3
  - f4v
  - ffm
  - ffmetadata
  - fifo
  - filmstrip
  - fits
  - flac
  - flv
  - framecrc
  - framehash
  - framemd5
  - g722
  - g723_1
  - g726
  - g726le
  - gif
  - gsm
  - gxf
  - h261
  - h263
  - h264
  - hash
  - hds
  - hevc
  - hls
  - ico
  - ilbc
  - image2
  - image2pipe
  - ipod
  - ircam
  - ismv
  - ivf
  - jacosub
  - latm
  - lrc
  - m4v
  - md5
  - matroska
  - matroska
  - microdvd
  - mjpeg
  - mlp
  - mmf
  - mov
  - mp2
  - mp3
  - mp4
  - mpeg
  - vcd
  - mpeg1video
  - dvd
  - svcd
  - mpeg2video
  - vob
  - mpegts
  - mpjpeg
  - mxf
  - mxf_d10
  - mxf_opatom
  - null
  - nut
  - oga
  - ogg
  - ogv
  - oma
  - opus
  - alaw
  - mulaw
  - f64be
  - f64le
  - f32be
  - f32le
  - s32be
  - s32le
  - s24be
  - s24le
  - s16be
  - s16le
  - s8
  - u32be
  - u32le
  - u24be
  - u24le
  - u16be
  - u16le
  - u8
  - psp
  - rawvideo
  - rm
  - roq
  - rso
  - rtp
  - rtp_mpegts
  - rtsp
  - sap
  - scc
  - segment
  - stream_segment,ssegment
  - singlejpeg
  - smjpeg
  - smoothstreaming
  - sox
  - spx
  - spdif
  - srt
  - sup
  - swf
  - tee
  - 3g2
  - 3gp
  - mkvtimestamp_v2
  - truehd
  - tta
  - uncodedframecrc
  - vc1
  - vc1test
  - voc
  - w64
  - wav
  - webm
  - webm_dash_manifest
  - webm_chunk
  - webp
  - webvtt
  - wtv
  - wv
  - yuv4mpegpipe
  - chromaprint
  - alsa
  - caca
  - fbdev
  - opengl
  - oss
  - pulse
  - sdl,sdl2
  - sndio
  - v4l2
  - xv
  - comfortnoise
  - s302m
  - aac
  - ac3
  - ac3_fixed
  - alac
  - dca
  - eac3
  - flac
  - g723_1
  - mlp
  - mp2
  - mp2fixed
  - nellymoser
  - opus
  - real_144
  - sonic
  - sonicls
  - truehd
  - tta
  - vorbis
  - wavpack
  - wmav1
  - wmav2
  - pcm_alaw
  - pcm_f32be
  - pcm_f32le
  - pcm_f64be
  - pcm_f64le
  - pcm_mulaw
  - pcm_s8
  - pcm_s8_planar
  - pcm_s16be
  - pcm_s16be_planar
  - pcm_s16le
  - pcm_s16le_planar
  - pcm_s24be
  - pcm_s24daud
  - pcm_s24le
  - pcm_s24le_planar
  - pcm_s32be
  - pcm_s32le
  - pcm_s32le_planar
  - pcm_s64be
  - pcm_s64le
  - pcm_u8
  - pcm_u16be
  - pcm_u16le
  - pcm_u24be
  - pcm_u24le
  - pcm_u32be
  - pcm_u32le
  - roq_dpcm
  - adpcm_adx
  - g722
  - g726
  - g726le
  - adpcm_ima_qt
  - adpcm_ima_wav
  - adpcm_ms
  - adpcm_swf
  - adpcm_yamaha
  - libgsm
  - libgsm_ms
  - libmp3lame
  - libopus
  - libshine
  - libspeex
  - libtwolame
  - libvorbis
  - libwavpack
  - a64multi
  - a64multi5
  - alias_pix
  - amv
  - apng
  - asv1
  - asv2
  - avrp
  - avui
  - ayuv
  - bmp
  - cinepak
  - cljr
  - dnxhd
  - dpx
  - dvvideo
  - ffv1
  - ffvhuff
  - fits
  - flashsv
  - flashsv2
  - flv
  - gif
  - h261
  - h263
  - h263p
  - hap
  - huffyuv
  - jpeg2000
  - jpegls
  - ljpeg
  - mjpeg
  - mpeg1video
  - mpeg2video
  - mpeg4
  - msmpeg4v2
  - msmpeg4
  - msvideo1
  - pam
  - pbm
  - pcx
  - pgm
  - pgmyuv
  - png
  - ppm
  - prores
  - prores_aw
  - prores_ks
  - qtrle
  - r10k
  - r210
  - rawvideo
  - roqvideo
  - rv10
  - rv20
  - sgi
  - snow
  - sunrast
  - svq1
  - targa
  - tiff
  - utvideo
  - v210
  - v308
  - v408
  - v410
  - vc2
  - wrapped_avframe
  - wmv1
  - wmv2
  - xbm
  - xface
  - xwd
  - y41p
  - yuv4
  - zlib
  - zmbv
  - libopenjpeg
  - libtheora
  - libvpx
  - libvpx-vp9
  - libwebp_anim
  - libwebp
  - libx264
  - libx264rgb
  - libx265
  - libxvid
  - h263_v4l2m2m
  - h264_nvenc
  - h264_omx
  - h264_v4l2m2m
  - h264_vaapi
  - nvenc
  - nvenc_h264
  - nvenc_hevc
  - hevc_nvenc
  - hevc_vaapi
  - mjpeg_vaapi
  - mpeg2_vaapi
  - mpeg4_v4l2m2m
  - vp8_v4l2m2m
  - vp8_vaapi
  - vp9_vaapi
Unable to find FFMpeg binary...
// FFMPEG ARGS:  ("-hide_banner", "-y", "-vaapi_device", "/dev/dri/renderD128",
"-f", "lavfi", "-i", "smptebars=duration=5:size=1280x720:rate=25", "-vf",
"format=nv12,hwupload", "-c:v", "h264_vaapi", "-an", "-f", "mp4",
/// ++ VAAPI FAILED ::::::
// FFMPEG ARGS:  ("-hide_banner", "-y", "-hwaccel", "cuvid", "-f", "lavfi",
"-i", "smptebars=duration=5:size=1280x720:rate=25", "-c:v", "h264_nvenc",
"-an", "-f", "mp4", "/tmp/gBDYQo.mp4")
/// ++ NVENC FAILED ::::::
// FFMPEG ARGS:  ("-hide_banner", "-filters")
Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options
QFlags<QSurfaceFormat::FormatOption>(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1,
greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8,
samples -1, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::DoubleBuffer, swapInterval 1,
colorSpace QSurfaceFormat::DefaultColorSpace, profile 
Abandon (core dumped)


Linux/KDE Plasma: 
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 
KDE Frameworks Version: 
Qt Version: 


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