--- Comment #55 from Recesvintvs <> ---
Hi again. I hadnt time yesterday. Excuse for the delay.

Since I have the impression that my explanations werent as clear as I hoped, I
have made a screencast of the process. I hope it helps.
It covers since the first login on a fresh session ("rm -r .* /home/pruebas/"
run before) until  the Latte's configuration process and failure, so you can
see every thing I have done and every configuration I have changed, even how I
created the 2nd activity and made them look distinct, which arent related at
all with Latte, but I want to ilustrate all.
I've reduced the resolution to 1600x900 so it dont weigh too much and besides
things don't look too tiny; also I swiched the language of Latte to US so you
don't get confused with names. Everything is recorded so you dont miss a single
change I could have done.

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