--- Comment #17 from Recesvintvs <> ---
> Solution B:
> The iconSize=2 value must be added in your latte layout file. In your case
> that is:
> ~/.config/latte/Por omisión.layout.latte

Ok, that was the problem. I had to add "iconSize=2" as a new line to the
paragraph that begins with «[Containments][Some number here][General]
extraItems=» in the .latte file that affects the dock in question. Exactly like
in the file plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc and problem gone. I should
have digged deeper in those .latte files once I knew of them; we would have
save many headaches. 😅

I've tried your GUI as well. Perfect. The perfect solution for the vast
majority, I think, who dont feel confortable editing config files o that ignore
absolutelly, like I did, that exist those useful .latte files inside
.config/latte directory.
It also has that icon color configuration tool that is very useful when one
cant see well the icons because the desktop wallpaper has a similar color.
Very nice tool . I hope it will be integrate in Latte so people doesnt have to
installa and uptade it from Github manually.

So, problem solved. Efjaristó polí, Michail. :)

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