--- Comment #17 from Ahab Greybeard <> ---
Created attachment 125169
original kritarc sample after my use

My oldest config backup folder, dated 02-Nov-2019, has the kritadisplayrc file
containing that entry. Here is my current/usual kritadisplayrc file contents:


In the past, I have changed between Auto (OpenGL) and OpenGL while trying
things out.

If I run the version 4.2.8 appimage using the kritarc and kritadisplayrc files
provided by Rebecca in Comment 11 and Comment 12, I also have some missing
sub-menu entries for every main menu item. However, those menu entries do work
if you click them.

I can then open the 'test_bug_416172.kra' file with no displayed problems.

I was able to click the Export entry location and export it as .png with no

If I start with fresh/default kritarc and kritadisplayrc files and then only
replace the kritarc file with the one provided by Rebecca, I get the same
results as noted above.

The kritarc file provided by Rebecca has a size of 49696 bytes.
If I use it and run krita, open the test file and export then close the file
and quit, the kritarc file has grown in size by 485 bytes to 50181 bytes.
Note: This is not the 'Size on Disk' but the reported number of bytes in the
This can not be accounted for by her username being changed to my username in
just two locations.

I attach this kritarc file in case anyone thinks it may be interesting.

The only other thing that occurs to me, and it may be totally irrelevant, is
that Rebecca is using Debian 9 which is 'old-stable'. I run Debian 10 which is

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