Thomas Baumgart <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |money/de6d2425c6f17f3e98e10 |money/e7fbbf3373fadbe36175d
                   |e93fedcad2707a30e08         |8a9483d4c65d2295e8d

--- Comment #2 from Thomas Baumgart <> ---
Git commit e7fbbf3373fadbe36175d8a9483d4c65d2295e8d by Thomas Baumgart.
Committed on 16/12/2019 at 19:54.
Pushed by tbaumgart into branch 'master'.

Keep values stored in splits when editing invest transactions

Values stored in splits provided e.g. by online banking plugins were
erased when a transaction was edited.

This change make sure that this information is remained unmodified.
FIXED-IN: 5.0.8
(cherry picked from commit de6d2425c6f17f3e98e10e93fedcad2707a30e08)

M  +7    -0    kmymoney/dialogs/investactivities.cpp

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