--- Comment #1 from jimbo1qaz <> --- Sorry, I pressed Enter before filling out the description. SUMMARY STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('')) 2. C:\CraftRoot\craft\craftenv.ps1 3. craft extragear/kdeconnect-kde 4. craft nsis 5. craft --package extragear/kdeconnect-kde EXPECTED RESULT NSIS package is created without error. After posting this bug, I reran `craft --package extragear/kdeconnect-kde` a second time, which succeeded. Maybe this issue only occurs the first time you try building a package, and the build process is not idempotent. Maybe the error is random. (Unfortunately running craft --package takes over 4 minutes because 7z is slow to compress the data.) -- You are receiving this mail because: You are watching all bug changes.