Ahmad Samir <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #2 from Ahmad Samir <> ---
KColorSchemeManager creates the menu, and has a slot to activate a
kcolorscheme, that's about it. The application using kcolorschememanager is
responsible for saving the user color scheme choice, or treating it as

IIUC, the problem here isn't with KColorSchemeManager, but that application
using it, is still affected by the system-wide color scheme change, and it only
affects  a running instance of the app, for example if you restart the
application in question the color scheme chosen in kcolorschememanager will be
applied (if the application saved and restored the user's choice) regardless of
the system-wide one.

Changing the color scheme via the colors kcm causes kstyle[1] to apply the new
scheme[1]; the latter has an event filter; maybe apps can reimplement that
event filter and reapply the scheme that was activated via kcolorscheme manager
or just bypass the QEvent::PaletteChanged event.

I think, ultimately the fix will have to be in the application not in

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