electrobug <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |globalinterpreterlock@gmail
                   |                            |.com

--- Comment #3 from electrobug <> ---
Hi, just wanted to chime in and say that it looks like I'm affected by the same
bug.  Copying my comment from 392913:

I'm experiencing what seems to be the same issue on two separate computers with
KDE Frameworks versions above 5.50:
Computer 1: Vanilla Arch Linux with Dolphin 18.12.1 with KDE Frameworks 5.54.0
Computer 2: Manjaro with Dolphin 18.12.1 with KDE Frameworks 5.53.0

On both computers, I have NTFS volumes mounted via fstab with default options. 
UUID=0123456789ABCD           /mnt/windows            ntfs    defaults 0 0

If I then have a symlink under home that points to this directory:
windows -> /mnt/windows

The symlink only shows in Dolphin if I turn on "Hidden Files" (Alt+.).  It
makes no difference if the links are made via Dolphin, from the command line
etc (and I refreshed multiple times to be sure the links were in Dolphin's view
of the FS).

This seems to be the same bug, but it's still present in KF > 5.53.0.  Should I
open a new report with this info?

LMK if you need more information or want me to try anything.

Of note, it seems to be the exact same behavior, but I can confirm this is
happening with both KF 5.53.0 and 5.54.0 on Dolphin 18.12.1.

Also, on the discussion of umask: on Computer 1, I left the mask setting to
default in fstab (0022 for Arch), and set it to umask=0000 in fstab on Computer

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