--- Comment #6 from Viorel-Cătălin Răpițeanu <> ---
> system Sandybridge on GLX/3 => "kcmshell5 kwincompositing", switch to xrender 
> - does the issue remain?
The popup remainder visual artifact is remaining, but the display glitch
doesn't seem to happen anymore.

> In case not, please return to opengl, close the dialog and run "kcmshell5 
> kwineffects". Disable "blur" & "contrast" effects (just a wild guess) and see 
> whether it still remains.
Disabling blur and contrast hasn't made the display glitch go away.

> If yes, for a final test also disable the "fade" effect and finally report 
> your findings.
Same as with blur and contrast, disabling fade hasn't influenced the display

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