--- Comment #2 from David REVOY <> ---
Thank you for the ultra quick fix Valeriy, and Hi since Krita Sprint ;-) Good
to see you are fully in charge of the project.

For compiling it, here is my notes noob-friendly. They don't need to join the
README because they basically follow the README, but I paste them here in case
this bug-report get visited with search engine.

How to build on Kubuntu:

# 1. Dependencies on Kubuntu 18.04:
sudo apt install git g++ cmake extra-cmake-modules gettext libqt5x11extras5-dev
qtdeclarative5-dev libkf5coreaddons-dev libkf5i18n-dev libkf5dbusaddons-dev
libkf5globalaccel-dev libkf5config-dev libkf5xmlgui-dev libkf5notifications-dev
plasma-framework-dev kdoctools-dev libxi-dev libwacom-dev checkinstall

# 2. Get the sources and switch to 3.1 released version (in 3.1 branch)
git clone
cd wacomtablet/
git checkout 3.1

# 3. Build
mkdir build
cd build

# 4. Install, packaging with Debian tool "checkinstall"; cleaner for
removing/upgrading the package
sudo checkinstall

# Note about **Checkinstall** form:
# "Default set of package docs?" → answer "n"
# Then enter a description, eg. "A Plasma GUI for wacom tablet" (+ empty line
and enter)
# in menu; type "2" to edit the name to "plasmawacomtablet"
# in menu; type "3" to edit the version to "3.1"
# "files created by the installation are inside the home directory [...]
included in the package." → answer "n"
# "Should I exclude them from the package?" → answer "yes"
# Check-install should create and install the package

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