--- Comment #8 from Leonardo Romor <> ---
I need your help, as I already said I'm new to qt, the last thing I understood
was the following
if I use the legacy xshapeToggleWindowState() everything works indeed
inside kwinAssistToggleWindowState(bool visible):

        if (visible)

            m_animationFrame = Settings::frames();

            connect(&m_animationTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this,

            // sharedPreHideWindow();
            // hide();
            // sharedAfterHideWindow();

solve the issue. 

Slowing down the animation with 
data[2] = Settings::frames() * 100;
data[3] = Settings::frames() * 100;
I can see that using the legacy animation the cursor always blink when using
the shortcut to open the terminal. Using the X11 solution instead sometimes
change the cursor state to "unfocused".

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