--- Comment #37 from ---
I don't have the fix yet on downstream, using kubuntu v18.04 lts as a test,
upgrading it off and on.

Making a live cd image thing out of it.
And a side note, qtcurve crashes ubiquity installer, the qt ver.
The gtk3 ver runs fine.
That's without the app title bar menu thing, it just crashes.

Another issue is colors keep changing for gtk apps, I don't know what the deal
I can simply open the app, half a dozen times, and maybe 10% of those times
I'll get the right color scheme.
I have no clue what is going on with that.
Sometimes losing it's transparency too.
Really screwy, I have no idea if it's qtcurve yet, the gtk2 part of it, or kde
it's self, or just my screwing up on the cfg files.
For example: plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc, I've preset it 4-5 times,
notta, real pain.
I could have a mix of settings conflicting who knows.
This is on my custom live image, I can go back to scratch if I have to.

I've got so many other issues with it right now though, too many crashes and
So called soft crashes, hardlock the virtual machine..

I gotta figure out how to get the latest build's of kde5 on kubuntu 18.04.
Prob is I got 4 custom widgets I modded, I don't wanna keep havign to re-write
I'm gonna have to figure out the metadata stuff, rename, and use the stock ones
as dep's.
That way I can upgrade and not worry about it.
Then find the repo, if there is one..., I think there is, but not 100% on that

Something like that anyways.
Sorry for the offtopic.
I figured I'de give a heads up, been seeing a ton of comments on the bug report
in my email so I figured I'de stop by, give a heads up on what I've found so

I'de check with the Ubiquity installer as a heads up, something going on there,
likely belongs in a completely different bug report tbh.

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