--- Comment #1 from ---
Further updates. I tested two more different systems today, both laptops with
multiple external monitors connected. With this testing, I observed several new

1. The problem is not exactly the same on all user accounts on the same system.
Under plasma5, some user accounts have severe problems with Display & Monitor
(and panel and desktop configuration) settings getting lost and other user
accounts are less adversely affected.

2. The display layout (I guess this is also called screen geometry) as well as
some panel and desktop settings can be lost by logging out and logging back in
(without any hardware changes. 

3. The same settings can also be lost by undocking and re-docking without
logging out for that entire process.

4. In a user account that has a problem with some displays not being enabled
(by kscreen), logging out to sddm results in sddm showing all the connected
displays properly.

5. Sometimes, after logging in or connecting to the dock, Plasma5 fails to show
any desktop at all (just blank black screens). A normal, non-sudo user cannot
recover from this except by rebooting as far as we know. It can become a very
serious problem. However, one workaround we found for privileged users is to
switch to a different virtual console (CTRL-ALT-F2 in Arch for example) and run
sudo systemctl restart sddm. 

In terms of the differences in user accounts, one user account we tested never
remembers all 3 connected displays. It also loses the primary display setting.
After adding the missing display (which had been configured previously), it
doesn't remember the correct placement (geometry/layout). It loses one panel.
It loses a desktop background too. This user account has this problem every
single time docking or logging in (even if never undocked after logging out).
This user account on this system did not have any of these issues until the
recent plasma5 updates a couple weeks ago.

Another user account on the same machine has much fewer problems. We did see a
few display issues, but we also had several successful undock-dock sequences
where the display and related configuration was remembered. Obviously more
testing is needed due to the inconsistencies observed, but we can definitely
say that there are important differences per user account.

Can anyone suggest any user configs or user settings that might be related to
this behavior. We will test further is someone suggests some steps.

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