--- Comment #4 from Tyson Tan <> ---
In that case, I have one more suggestion:

Considering there maybe technical limitations that make editing on canvas like
GIMP difficult to implement in Krita, the following may improve the
quality-of-life for text editing greatly:

1) Automatically update the text on canvas realtime instead of requiring the
user pressing the Apply button. This will deliver a semi-responsive UI

2) Add two more buttons to text editor's toolbar: "font size +", "font size -".
They make fine-tunning the font size much more intuitive, and thus helps to
improve the sense of UI responsiveness.

3) If we implemented (1), then we should change the bottom buttons to "OK" and
"Cancel", and their icons to "☑" and "☒" respectively. In this way the UI feel
more familiar to normal users.

4) Add a button to change input box background color, to work against the text
and background blending together.

5) Before the "100%" widget, insert a text string "Line-height" or a related
icon to aid first time user learning the function.

6) Add tool tip baloons for every button and widget so that user can learn
their usage.

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