--- Comment #16 from SZÉKELYI Szabolcs <> ---
Same issue here. One thing that I couldn't find above is that copying files and
folders to the device does work fine. Camera pictures work fine on both the
internal storage and the SD card, whereas browsing for general files show only
empty folders "SD card" and "Internal storage", and nothing inside them.

This is certainly a permission problem:

shell@GT-I9100:/ $ ps | grep kde
u0_a103   18571 4529  711376 30636 ffffffff 00000000 S org.kde.kdeconnect_tp
shell@GT-I9100:/ $ su - u0_a103
u0_a103@GT-I9100:/ $ ls -l /storage/sdcard1/
opendir failed, Permission denied
1|u0_a103@GT-I9100:/ $ 

Here are the permissions:

drwxr-x--x root     sdcard_r          2016-02-25 13:23 /storage
drwxrwx--x root     sdcard_r          1970-01-01 01:00 /storage/sdcard1

Running Cyanogenmod 12.1, KDE Connect 0.9e, KDE Frameworks 5.15.0.

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