--- Comment #5 from Kai Uwe Broulik <> ---
Ha! I found it!

In the AppletConfiguration QML there's the following code:

    MouseEventListener {
        anchors.fill: parent
        property int oldX
        property int oldY
        onPressed: {
            oldX = mouse.screenX
            oldY = mouse.screenY
        onPositionChanged: {
            configDialog.y += mouse.screenY - oldY
            configDialog.x += mouse.screenX - oldX
            oldX = mouse.screenX
            oldY = mouse.screenY

Not sure we can do a lot about this in a sense of following the widget theme
settings and everything :/ Perhaps we could make a wrapper that works fine for
Breeze and uses X window resize mode and everything but I don't know whether
it's worth it.

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