igor <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #1 from igor <> ---
In my case is video FadeIN, FadeOUT

Tested in kdenlive version: 
- Win7 Pro sp1 64bit
  - Kdenlive-17.04.3-w64
  - Kdenlive-17.08.2-2-w64
  - Kdenlive-17.12.0-w64
Linux Mint 18.1 mate 64bit "serena"
  - kdenlive-17.08.1-x86_64.AppImage
  - kdenlive-17.12-x86_64.AppImage

About my video: 1280x720px 25fps MOV --> video fade-In-OUT

1) In only one video track "Video1" I insert two clips of a trim video: clip_01
(6 sec) + clip_02 (7sec).
2) Insert the effects "Fade from Black" (FFB) and "Fade to Black" (FTB) into
start and end of the two clips: FFB=2sec, FTB=2sec.

This is a view in Timeline:

2.1) In "Project Monitor" play is OK.
3) In Timeline select all: the two clips and effects
4) In "Library" tab I click on "Add Timeline Section To Library" icon, and
insert the name: "seq1_fade-IN_fade-OUT"(.mlt).
5) In "Library" tab I click on "Add clip To Project" icon.
6) In "Project Bin" I see my sequence "seq1_fade-IN_fade-OUT.mlt" and drag and
drop in Timeline.
7) In "Project Monitor" player I see only the "Fade from Black" and "Fade to
Black" relative at first clip (clip_01);
 the second clip (clip_02) haven't fade.

This is a play:

8) In a text editor I open the "seq1_fade-IN_fade-OUT.mlt" file by the Library
folder and I try to read/understand.

/* ******************************************* */
/* *** SOURCE from Library  (part of file) *** */
/* ******************************************* */
<playlist id="playlist0">
  <entry producer="2_playlist3" in="0" out="149">
    <filter id="fade_to_black" in="99" out="149">             /* OK */
      <property name="start">1</property>
      <property name="mlt_service">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_id">fade_to_black</property>
      <property name="tag">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_ix">2</property>
      <property name="end">0</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_info"></property>
    <filter id="fade_from_black" out="50">                    /* OK */
      <property name="start">0</property>
      <property name="mlt_service">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_id">fade_from_black</property>
      <property name="tag">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_ix">3</property>
      <property name="end">1</property>
  <entry producer="producer0" in="0" out="174">
    <filter id="filter0" in="620" out="670">            /* MISTAKE_01 ??? */
      <property name="start">1</property>
      <property name="mlt_service">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_id">fade_to_black</property>
      <property name="tag">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_ix">2</property>
      <property name="end">0</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_info"></property>
    <filter id="filter1" in="496" out="546">            /* MISTAKE_02 ??? */
      <property name="start">0</property>
      <property name="mlt_service">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_id">fade_from_black</property>
      <property name="tag">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_ix">3</property>
      <property name="end">1</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_info"></property>

/* ************************************************************* */
/* *** MODIFIED with text editor by me and OK (part of file) *** */
/* ************************************************************* */
<playlist id="playlist0">
  <entry producer="2_playlist3" in="0" out="149">
    <filter id="fade_to_black" in="99" out="149">            /* OK */
      <property name="start">1</property>
      <property name="mlt_service">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_id">fade_to_black</property>
      <property name="tag">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_ix">2</property>
      <property name="end">0</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_info"></property>
    <filter id="fade_from_black" out="50">                   /* OK */
      <property name="start">0</property>
      <property name="mlt_service">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_id">fade_from_black</property>
      <property name="tag">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_ix">3</property>
      <property name="end">1</property>
  <entry producer="producer0" in="0" out="174">
    <filter id="fade_to_black" in="124" out="174">      /* MODIFIED by me */
      <property name="start">1</property>
      <property name="mlt_service">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_id">fade_to_black</property>
      <property name="tag">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_ix">2</property>
      <property name="end">0</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_info"></property>
    <filter id="fade_from_black" out="50">             /* MODIFIED by me */
      <property name="start">0</property>
      <property name="mlt_service">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_id">fade_from_black</property>
      <property name="tag">brightness</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_ix">3</property>
      <property name="end">1</property>
      <property name="kdenlive_info"></property>

9) After modified the file "seq1_fade-IN_fade-OUT.mlt" I used it in Timeline.
Now I can also expand the clip sequence; before with original Library clip I

I don't know if these changes are align with the mlt/kdenlive code.
I hope it can be help developers to fix the issue.
Thanks so much.

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