--- Comment #4 from Steve <> ---
In src/server/connection.cpp at line 404, there should probably be a try/catch
around the Protocol::serialize() call:

void Connection::sendResponse(qint64 tag, const Protocol::Command &response)
    if (Tracer::self()->currentTracer() != QLatin1String("null")) {
        Tracer::self()->connectionOutput(m_identifier, QByteArray::number(tag)
+ ' ' + response.debugString().toUtf8());
    QDataStream stream(m_socket);
    stream << tag;
    Protocol::serialize(m_socket, response);

because way down at the bottom in src/private/datastream_p_p.h at line 92, we

    if (mDev->write((char *)&val, sizeof(T)) != sizeof(T)) {
        throw Akonadi::ProtocolException("Failed to write data to stream");

Does this help?

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