--- Comment #21 from ---
OMG Sergio, the goal of GTK is to completely drop system tray icons??? I cannot
think of ANY reasoning to do that.
If you have a clock, volume control, or any other manageable indicators in a
bar, you have system tray icons.
The whole point of the system tray is for quick view/access of certain types of
programs and their status.
I wish he elaborated on what the "change to" would be. I can't find any search
results about it, but rather people looking for sni-qt or libindicator (a
desire for their programs to be in the system tray).
Not that I have any reason or desire to move back to Gnome, this surely would
keep me far away from it.
KDE has completely cinched it for me. Especially within the past few months I
guess, where everything is mostly solid (minus java tray icons). Every little
bug I encountered is cleared up. While I haven't used Windows-10 much, I'd
still stick with Plasma. It's very powerful and customizable.
I probably shouldn't post this comment since it doesn't add to the bug talk,
but I thought that IRC statement by ebassi about dropping tray icons is just
too huge. If I want to make any validity to posting this, maybe to keep KDE
from following suit... ;)

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