--- Comment #22 from David Faure <> ---
Comment on attachment 96072
A hacky workaround patch

Ah I thought my patch would compare filenames (of desktop files). If it
compares full paths that can't work indeed. Your patch compares URL values, but
I still think it would be simpler to compare filenames of desktop files (i.e.

There are two desktop files: one in the .qrc resource (i.e. built into the
library) and one installed on the filesystem (by libkonq, for historical
reasons -- the next libkonq release won't have that anymore). My idea was that
I want the builtin one (from the .qrc) to be preferred in such a case, even if
right now that is missing a few translations. But thinking about it again, if
we prefer the ones installed on the filesystem then we allow users to make more
customizations than if we always prefer the builtin ones. Not sure there's
really a use case for that though, but who knows. A sysadmin could hide
specific entries by installing Hidden=true desktop files for instance (I didn't
test this).

Adding missing translations just hides the fact that this code is collecting
templates both from the resource and from the filesystem, which wasn't the
intention (we want to look at the filesystem for additional templates, not to
create duplicates with those provided in the .qrc resource). That's why I'm
looking for a fix for that.

The alternative is to just treat this as a temporary issue and wait for the
next libkonq release, but I'm wondering if a kde4 installation could, too,
install conflicting templates, hence the idea of avoiding duplicates.

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