Thomas Lübking <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Severity|normal                      |wishlist

--- Comment #1 from Thomas Lübking <> ---
Since I asked you to file your thoughts about the minimize all script as
bug/wish, it's maybe required to clarify some things first.

* Show Desktop is the implementation of a NETWM spec, it's not gonna be removed
and not gonna turn into a kindly provided alternative.
* The purpose of Show Desktop is that: show the desktop for (intermediate)
interaction with it.
   It is especiallly NOT a concept to "unclutter" the desktop
* Your description fully supports my personal assumption that the demand for
the minimize all feature is mostly driven by carrying over some bad habits from
MS Windows. Unix desktops always had virtual desktops to organize the
workspace, there never was a need to minimize windows to "unclutter" things.

So on your plea:
> implement the equivalent of SDIMA=true in plasma 5
This needs to be discussed in this bug (notably on what was intended w/ the
original -hidden- feature and what and whether it is reasonable to accomplish

> make it the default tool for de-cluttering the desktop
Not gonna happen.

> put a corresponding widget/button right beside the K-menu-button as the 
> default setting 
Wrong component (=> plasmashell) and the discussion about the default layout
needs to take place with the HIG group.

> if you must: keep "Show desktop" as an alternative
Already explained.

>  (I bet: few would miss it)
Please stick closely to the problem. If this turns into a flamewar, the bug
will be closed w/o resolution.


That said, let's check on the deviations of the script from now on (I'll note
them with the next post)

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