
Andreas Gudian commented on SUREFIRE-1080:

parallel=classes and forkCount>1 with reuseForks=true is not supposed to work. 
The forked processes are fed with one new class to execute as soon as they 
finished their previous class (note: that's only the case for forkCount>1 and 
reuseForks=true). With the forked process only having one class at hand at a 
given time, it is not supposed to spawn threads to execute classes in parallel.
@Tibor: I hope that helps you figuring out what happens here... :)

> Use parallel and fork together run some tests multiple times
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SUREFIRE-1080
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-1080
>             Project: Maven Surefire
>          Issue Type: Bug
>         Environment: Apache Maven 3.2.2-SNAPSHOT
> Surefire 2.18-SNAPSHOT
> JUnit 4.11
>            Reporter: Qingzhou Luo
>         Attachments: test.tgz
> There are 9 tests in total in the attached project, and mvn test will show 9 
> tests run. When I use the command " mvn test  -Dparallel=classes 
> -DforkCount=2   -DuseUnlimitedThreads=true", it shows 13 tests run (and 
> sometimes 16), and some tests are run more than once.
> If I remove forkCount, or parallel, everything will be fine. But it is 
> problematic when combining together.
> Apache Maven 3.2.2-SNAPSHOT
> Surefire 2.18-SNAPSHOT
> JUnit 4.11
> Thanks!

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