
Daniel Soria commented on SCM-729:

When running Bamboo with several user agent in the cloud, to rely on 
release.properties is not an option.

The problem is in maven-release-plugin. The class 
org.apache.maven.plugins.release.PerformReleaseMojo extends 
AbstractReleaseMojo, just extending AbstractScmReleaseMojo instead of 
AbstractReleaseMojo solves the problem (1 line of code)
{code}@Mojo( name = "perform", aggregator = true, requiresProject = false )
public class PerformReleaseMojo
    extends AbstractScmReleaseMojo

Now I can run my modified release plugin:
--batch-mode -DconnectionUrl=scm:git:ssh://username@server/repo.git 
-Dtag=4.1.0-TB01 {noformat}

The git clone command generated is
{noformat}[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd /project_path/target && git clone 
--branch 4.1.0-TB01 ssh://username@server/repo.git 

As you can see to implement the improvement is quite trivial.

> Ability to specify tag for release:perform
> ------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SCM-729
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-729
>             Project: Maven SCM
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: maven-scm-provider-mercurial (hg)
>    Affects Versions: 1.8.1
>            Reporter: Gili
> We need a way to specify a tag either to release:perform or the HG scm 
> provider.
> http://maven.apache.org/maven-release/maven-release-plugin/examples/perform-release.html
>  indicates that we should be able to release:perform from a tag without the 
> use of release.properties but there is no way to specify a tag for the HG scm 
> provider.

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