
Karl Heinz Marbaise updated MASSEMBLY-644:

I'm trying to create a distribution assembly of a multi-module project in a 
separate distribution module which works quite nice, except that exclusions of 
dependencies of modules seem to be ignored. This is strange, as the same 
exclusions do work in an assembly inside a submodule.

This is the problematic descriptor:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>






This assembly descriptor can be found here: 

It produces a zip which also contains "lwjgl-platform-2.8.4-natives-linux.jar" 
and others which should be matched by the filter.

The submodule where the exclusions work can be found at: 

If you need any other information, please tell me.

I'm trying to create a distribution assembly of a multi-module project in a 
separate distribution module which works quite nice, except that exclusions of 
dependencies of modules seem to be ignored. This is strange, as the same 
exclusions do work in an assembly inside a submodule.

This is the problematic descriptor:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>






This assembly descriptor can be found here: 

It produces a zip which also contains "lwjgl-platform-2.8.4-natives-linux.jar" 
and others which should be matched by the filter.

The submodule where the exclusions work can be found at: 

If you need any other information, please tell me.

> Exclusions in dependencySet inside moduleSet->binaries have no effect
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MASSEMBLY-644
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MASSEMBLY-644
>             Project: Maven Assembly Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: dependencySet, filtering, moduleSet
>    Affects Versions: 2.4
>            Reporter: Maik Riechert
> I'm trying to create a distribution assembly of a multi-module project in a 
> separate distribution module which works quite nice, except that exclusions 
> of dependencies of modules seem to be ignored. This is strange, as the same 
> exclusions do work in an assembly inside a submodule.
> This is the problematic descriptor:
> {code}
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <assembly>
>       <id>lwjgl</id>
>       <formats>
>               <format>zip</format>
>       </formats>
>       <includeBaseDirectory>false</includeBaseDirectory>
>       <moduleSets>
>               <moduleSet>
>                       <useAllReactorProjects>true</useAllReactorProjects>
>                       <includes>
>                               <include>com.ardor3d:ardor3d-animation</include>
>                               <include>com.ardor3d:ardor3d-awt</include>
>                               <include>com.ardor3d:ardor3d-collada</include>
>                               <include>com.ardor3d:ardor3d-core</include>
>                               <include>com.ardor3d:ardor3d-effects</include>
>                               <include>com.ardor3d:ardor3d-extras</include>
>                               <include>com.ardor3d:ardor3d-lwjgl</include>
>                               <include>com.ardor3d:ardor3d-math</include>
>                               <include>com.ardor3d:ardor3d-savable</include>
>                               <include>com.ardor3d:ardor3d-swt</include>
>                               <include>com.ardor3d:ardor3d-terrain</include>
>                               <include>com.ardor3d:ardor3d-ui</include>
>                       </includes>
>                       <binaries>
>                               <unpack>false</unpack>
>                               <dependencySets>
>                                       <dependencySet>
>                                               <excludes>
> <exclude>*:lwjgl*natives-*</exclude>
> <exclude>*:jinput*natives-*</exclude>
>                                               </excludes>
>                                       </dependencySet>
>                               </dependencySets>
>                       </binaries>
>               </moduleSet>
>       </moduleSets>
>       <fileSets>
>               <fileSet>
>                       <directory>target/natives</directory>
>                       <outputDirectory>natives</outputDirectory>
>                       <excludes>
>                               <exclude>*jogl*</exclude>
>                               <exclude>*nativewindow*</exclude>
>                               <exclude>*newt*</exclude>
>                               <exclude>*gluegen*</exclude>
>                               <exclude>META-INF/</exclude>
>                       </excludes>
>               </fileSet>
>       </fileSets>
> </assembly>
> {code}
> This assembly descriptor can be found here: 
> https://github.com/neothemachine/Ardor3D/blob/assembly/ardor3d-distribution/assembly-lwjgl.xml
> It produces a zip which also contains 
> "lwjgl-platform-2.8.4-natives-linux.jar" and others which should be matched 
> by the filter.
> The submodule where the exclusions work can be found at: 
> https://github.com/neothemachine/Ardor3D/tree/assembly/ardor3d-examples
> If you need any other information, please tell me.

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