
Robert Scholte commented on MRELEASE-431:

There are a lot of issues related to version policies. I could try to collect 
all wishes, but I'm afraid that I'll forget a few and that in the near future 
developers invent more exotic ways of version policies. 
To prevent this, we should define a {{VersionPolicyManager}} interface 
(probably in the separated {{api}}-project), so everyone can code his own 
version. It'll be just a matter of injecting your preferred implementation.
I'm not sure if I should introduce a {{release-api}} project for this or start 
a new shared component. With the latter we could also reuse it for the 

> Configuration of policy for calculating next (release) version
> --------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRELEASE-431
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRELEASE-431
>             Project: Maven 2.x Release Plugin
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: prepare
>    Affects Versions: 2.0-beta-8
>            Reporter: Carsten Ziegeler
>         Attachments: 
> 0001-MRELEASE-431-Configuration-of-policy-for-calculating.patch
> Currently, when preparing the release, the version to release is always the 
> next version which usually is the current version without the snapshot 
> extension.
> There are quiet a lot projects (Apache Felix, Sling and others) following an 
> even release numbering policy. So while the current development version is 
> odd (like 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT), the next released version will be 1.2.4.
> It would be nice if this could be made configuration through some 
> configuration property like
> <versionPolicy>next-even</versionPolicy> (with possible values being: next 
> (default, as-is), next-even, next-odd
> I briefly scanned through the code and it seems that adding support for this 
> requires changes in both, the release-manager and the release-plugin.
> If this feature gets accepted and if someone could give me some minor hints 
> how/where to add this I could come up with a patch.

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