
Paul Vonnahme commented on MNG-3092:

How many maven command line options exist that affect the build without a 
corresponding XML element?  You can put <skipTests>true</skipTests> in your 
surefire configuration.  Since this cuts across <dependencies> and 
<dependencyManagement>, it seems to me if this were to be an attribute it would 
have to be at the top level: http://maven.apache.org/pom.html#Quick_Overview

It seems about 50% of the people on this thread believe a range should never 
contain a SNAPSHOT.  If that's the case it would be nice to put 
<enableSnapshotsInRanges>false</enableSnapshotsInRanges> in your topmost 
corporate pom and not have to worry about it going on the command line of every 

If the solution also needed to cover MNG-5353, it feels like you would need 
additional options.  So maybe

If you wanted different advice for different stages of development, you could 
put this attribute in a profile you could activate from the command line.

I'm not sure of the technical hurdles to something like 
<rangeResolutionAdvice>, but in my opinion it seems like the most complete 
solution.  I'm not heavily invested in version ranges at the moment, but 
thought I'd throw in my $0.02.

> Version ranges with non-snapshot bounds can contain snapshot versions
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-3092
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3092
>             Project: Maven 2 & 3
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Dependencies
>            Reporter: Mark Hobson
>            Assignee: Jason van Zyl
>             Fix For: 3.1.1
>         Attachments: MNG-3092.patch, MNG-3092.patch
> Contrary to the 2.0 design docs:
> "Resolution of dependency ranges should not resolve to a snapshot 
> (development version) unless it is included as an explicit boundary."
> -- from 
> http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVEN/Dependency+Mediation+and+Conflict+Resolution#DependencyMediationandConflictResolution-Incorporating%7B%7BSNAPSHOT%7D%7Dversionsintothespecification
> The following is equates to true:
> VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec( "[1.0,1.1]" ).containsVersion( new 
> DefaultArtifactVersion( "1.1-SNAPSHOT" ) )
> The attached patch only allows snapshot versions to be contained in a range 
> if they are equal to one of the boundaries.  Note that this is a strict 
> equality, so [1.0,1.2-SNAPSHOT] will not contain 1.1-SNAPSHOT.

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