Jeremy KUHN created ARCHETYPE-417: ------------------------------------- Summary: Access to the parent artifactId and groupId during module generation Key: ARCHETYPE-417 URL: Project: Maven Archetype Issue Type: New Feature Components: Archetypes Affects Versions: 2.2 Environment: all Reporter: Jeremy KUHN
Hello, In some use cases when generating modules in a multi-modules project, it would be good to have access to the current parent properties and more especially to the parent artifactId and parent groupId. For instance, if we consider the following project structure: - myProject [com.test.myProject-1.0] - webapps [com.test.myProject.webapps-1.0] - libs [com.test.myPorject.libs-1.0] When creating a new webapp using whatever archetype under the webapps folder, there's no way to tell the plugin to set the groupId of the new module to com.test.myProject.webapps. There are couple of workarounds: - don't set any groupId in the new module but then it will inherit the parent groupId which is com.test.myProject (we loose the webapps or libs which is not what we want) - use the variables ${project.parent.groupId} and ${project.parent.artifactId} to set the modules's groupId but this brings instability and might not be supported in future version of Maven. so the solution would be to be able to use parentGroupId and parentArtifactId properties when generating the module, having something like: ... <groupId>${parentGroupId}.${parentArtifactId}</groupId> ... in the archetype resources' pom.xml. and of course doesn't prompt for the groupId while generating the module (this can be done with default values in the archetype's metadata) Regards -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact your JIRA administrators:!default.jspa For more information on JIRA, see: